If you happen to listen to my podcast or follow me on IG, you know that daily JournalSpeak is an absolute non-negotiable in my routine. If you’re not familiar with JournalSpeak, YOU SHOULD BE — here’s a podcast episode where I dive into what it is and how it’s completely changed my life. I bring this up because it’s really reignited my love of writing. Lately, as I’ve been doing my 20 minutes of JournalSpeak, I’ve had certain thoughts & insights come up that I’ve wanted to share with you all — and I love the more intimate setting that Substack provides me to do so. So, moving forward, you can expect a roundup of wellness (and beyond) here — things I’m doing and loving, approachable words of wisdom and realness, podcast updates, fashion finds, easy, healthy recipes (I’m deep in my cooking era) and more. Soo… let’s get this going.
Something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately — is that you CANNOT heal a body you hate. I quite literally just finished a good, cathartic cry about this. This is something that’s come up for me repeatedly in my healing process, and has been very top of mind as of late. I spent many years doing what I thought was ‘the work’ — seeing all kinds of doctors, healers, practitioners, taking a million supplements… you guys know the drill. And it wasn’t until I discovered that the way I was talking to myself on a daily basis (picking my body apart, self-judgement) was actually what was holding me back from experiencing life completely free from chronic, whack-a-mole symptoms. When you tune in and really listen to the way you’re speaking yourself from the minute you wake up until you go to bed, you’ll likely be shocked by what you hear. Admittedly, I had some pretty nasty things to say about myself, and some very emotional Journalspeak sessions as I put all of those mean things on paper. Awareness is the first step, and it’s truly a daily practice for me to keep this in check (I’m certainly not immune to negative self talk) but, if talking shit to myself is going to make my bladder feel like it’s on fire, i want literally NO part in it, and neither should you!
set is Live The Process (on sale) | shoes are New Balance
Things I’m absolutely loving at the moment — My matcha girlinas, I recently made a discovery that has 100% altered my brain chemistry (particularly in the morning). Firstly, here’s everything I normally use for my matcha since this is something I’m frequently asked:
Single Origin Kiwami Matcha (I know it’s pricey, but quality matters)
This Matchaful kit with all the tools (whisk, scoop & sifter — IMO, you need it all!)
Malk Organics milk (I like to blend their oat + almond) or any kind of organic whole milk in a glass bottle (here’s where I get the raw stuff)
Raw organic honey or maple syrup
Now for the *very* important addition… THIS VANILLA BEAN PASTE. I used to use vanilla extract until I discovered this gem. It’s not sweetened, just a thick & rich puree of vanilla beans — trust me when I say it changed my entire matcha experience.
To make the matcha, I sift 1 large tsp of matcha powder through the sifter, then add a couple ounces of hot water (I use this non-toxic kettle & it’s on sale), whisk, add vanilla + sweetener and then top with hot milk (I use this non-toxic milk frother).
Lastly, I wanted to make mention of my recent Psychedelic Journey — In this week’s new podcast episode, I’m sharing alllll the nitty gritty. I was, admittedly, anti-psychedelics prior to this experience — I think this mostly came from not understanding it and/or not being in the right place for it. But something shifted in me over the last few months and I felt this urge to go a layer deeper. And, for the first time in as long as I can remember, I really felt like there was no longer this big thing that I needed to fix (which had been my chronic pelvic pain for many years) and so I was in this newfound position of curiosity. And the journey was…. wild. It’s been about a month since and I truly feel a world of difference. I’m lighter, happier & have this new unwavering dedication to my daily practices (more on these soon). Excited for you all to listen & give me your thoughts!
I love you guys, thank you so much for being here.
xxxx E
So excited for this!